NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- President Barack Obama on Saturday said he has decided that military action against Syria is necessary, but will seek congressional authorization on the use of U.S. force to retaliate for what he called “the worst chemical weapons attack of the 21st century.”
Obama: Ready to act against Syria, but will seek authorization
President Obama said he favors taking military action against Syria for the alleged use of chemical weapons against its own people, but he will seek authorization from Congress before acting.
“After careful deliberation, I have decided that the United States should take military action against Syrian regime targets,” Obama said in a speech in the White House Rose Garden.
Obama said he believes he has the legal authority to order the strikes without consulting Congress.
“But having made my decision as commander-in-chief based on what I am convinced is our national security interests, I’m also mindful that I’m the president of the world’s oldest constitutional democracy,” Obama said. “I’ve long believed that our power is rooted not just in our military might, but in our example as a government of the people, by the people, and for the people. And that’s why I’ve made a second decision: I will seek authorization for the use of force from the American people’s representatives in Congress.”
Congressional leaders have said they would schedule a debate and then a vote on the use of military force against Syria when lawmakers return from their current recess, Obama said. Unless congressional leaders call back members sooner, the House and Senate are scheduled to be back at work on Sept. 9.
Speaking hours after a United Nations weapons inspections team left Syria, Obama said the Aug. 21 attack that the U.S. contends killed 1,429 people, including at least 426 children, represents a national security risk, and poses a risk to nations bordering Syria, including Israel.
“I know well we are weary of war,” Obama said in the televised speech. “That’s why we’re not contemplating putting our troops in the middle of someone else’s war. But we are the United States of America, we can not and must not turn a blind eye to what happened in Damascus,” he added.

“We are glad the president is seeking authorization for any military action in Syria in response to serious, substantive questions being raised,” said a joint statement issued by Republican House leaders including SpeakerJohn Boehner of Ohio and Majority Leader Eric Cantor of Virginia.
“In consultation with the president, we expect the House to consider a measure the week of Sept. 9. This provides the president time to make his case to Congress and the American people.” the statement added.
In the Middle East, the Arab League has scheduled an urgent meeting for Sunday to discuss the Syrian situation.
Many Middle Eastern nations, assuming the U.S. will launch military strikes on Syria, are advising their citizens to leave the country.
Obama would be the second Western leader to ask his legislature to approve military action against the Syrian government, which has been embroiled in a civil war for more than two years.
On Thursday, Parliament rejected British Prime Minister David Cameron’s call for action against Syria.