Monday, May 18, 2015

How Sugar Harms Your Brain Health and Drives Alzheimer’s Epidemic

18th May 2015
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Alzheimer’s disease, a severe form of dementia, affects an estimated 5.2 million Americans, according to 2013 statistics.[1]
One in nine seniors over the age of 65 has Alzheimer’s, and the disease is now thought to be the third leading cause of death in the US, right behind heart disease and cancer.
A growing body of research suggests there’s a powerful connection between your diet and your risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, via similar pathways that cause type 2 diabetes.
Contrary to popular belief, your brain does not require glucose, and actually functions better burning alternative fuels, especially ketones, which your body makes in response to digesting healthy fats.
According to some experts, such as Dr. Ron Rosedale, Alzheimer’s and other brain disorders may in large part be caused by the constant burning of glucose for fuel by your brain.
Alzheimer’s disease was tentatively dubbed “type 3 diabetes” in early 2005 when researchers discovered that in addition to your pancreas, your brainalsoproduces insulin, and this brain insulin is necessary for the survival of brain cells.

Sugar Damages Brain Structure and Function

In your brain, insulin helps with neuron glucose-uptake and the regulation of neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, which are crucial for memory and learning. This is why reducing the level of insulin in your brain impairs your cognition.
Research[2] has also shown that type 2 diabetics lose more brain volume with age than expected—particularly gray matter. This kind of brain atrophy is yet another contributing factor for dementia.
Studies have found that people with lower levels of insulin and insulin receptors in their brain often have Alzheimer’s disease. But according to recent research published in the journalNeurology,[3] sugar and other carbohydrates can disrupt your brain function even if you’re not diabetic or have any signs of dementia.
To test their theory, they evaluated short- and long-term glucose markers in 141 healthy, non-diabetic, non-demented seniors. Memory tests and brain imaging were administered to assess their brain function and the actual structure of their hippocampus. As reported by Scientific American:[4]
“Higher levels on both glucose measures were associated with worse memory, as well as a smaller hippocampus and compromised hippocampal structure.
The researchers also found that the structural changes partially accounted for the statistical link between glucose and memory. According to study co-author Agnes Flöel, a neurologist at Charité, the results ‘provide further evidence that glucose might directly contribute to hippocampal atrophy.’”
The findings suggest that even if you’re not diabetic or insulin resistant (and about 80 percent of Americans fall into the latter category), sugar consumption can still disrupt your memory.
Long-term, it can contribute to the shrinking of your hippocampus, which is a hallmark symptom of Alzheimer’s disease. (Your hippocampus is involved with the formation, organization, and storage of memories.)
The authors of the study suggest that “strategies aimed at lowering glucose levels even in the normal range may beneficially influence cognition in the older population.”

‘Normal’ Blood Sugar Levels May Still Be High Enough to Cause Problems

Normally, a fasting blood sugar level between 100-125 mg/dl is diagnosed as a pre-diabetic state. A fasting blood sugar level of 90-100 is considered “normal.” But in addition to the featured research, other studies have also found that brain atrophy occurs even in this “normal” blood sugar range.
Neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter, MD insists that being very strict in limiting your consumption of sugar and non-vegetable carbs is one of THE most important steps you can take to prevent Alzheimer’s disease for this very reason.
He cites research from the Mayo Clinic, which found that diets rich in carbohydrates are associated with an 89 percent increased risk for dementia. Meanwhile, high-fat diets are associated with a 44 percent reduced risk

Sugar Lobby Threatens Organizations and Buries Science on Health Effects

Compelling research shows that your brain has great plasticity, which you control through your diet and lifestyle choices. Unfortunately, the American public has been grossly brainwashed by the sugar and processed food industries into believing that sugar is a perfectly reasonable “nutrient” that belongs in a healthy diet.
Without accurate information, it’s certainly more difficult to make health-affirming choices. Newsweek[5] recently ran an article revealing just how far the sugar industry will go to defend its market share:
“According to a new report[6] from the Center for Science and Democracy… industry groups representing companies that sell sweeteners, like the Sugar Association and the Corn Refiners Association… have poured millions of dollars into countering science that indicates negative health consequences of eating their products.
For example, when a University of Southern California study from 2013 found that the actual high fructose corn syrup content in sodas ‘varied significantly’ from the sugar content disclosed on soda labels, the Corn Refiners Association considered paying for its own counter research.
A consultant suggested that the counter research should only be published if the results aligned with their goal of disputing the USC study: ‘If for any reason the results confirm [the University of Southern California study], we can just bury the data,’ the consultant wrote, according to the report.”
According to the Center for Science report, the Sugar Association even threatened the director general of the World Health Organization (WHO). WHO had published a paper on sugar, recommending a 10 percent limit on added sugars, stating that added sugars “threaten the nutritional quality of diets.”
The Sugar Association shot off a letter to the director general, warning him that, unless WHO withdrew the study, the Sugar Association would persuade the US Congress to withdraw the WHO’s federal funding. The following year, when WHO published its global health strategy on diet and health, there was no mention of the offending sugar study.

The Sugar Lobby Deserves Blame for Fueling Chronic Disease Epidemics

Indeed, despite overwhelming evidence showing that sugar, and processed fructose in particular, is at the heart of our burgeoning obesity and chronic disease epidemics, the sugar lobby has been so successful in its efforts to thwart the impact of such evidence that there’sstill no consensus among our regulatory agencies as to the “factual” dangers of sugar…
According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data,[7] 13 percent of the average American’s diet is sugar. In the UK, a recently published report[8] by the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN) recommends limiting your added sugar intake to five percent, in order to avoid obesity and type 2 diabetes. They calculate this to be the equivalent of 25 grams of sugar (5-6 teaspoons) per day for women, and 35 grams (7-8 teaspoons) for men.
This matches my own recommendations for healthy, non-insulin resistant individuals—with one key difference. I recommend restricting sugar/fructose consumption to 25 grams from ALL sources, not just added sugar. This includes limiting your non-vegetable carbohydrates as well. Crazy enough, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition still recommends you get 50 percent of your daily energy intake in the form of starchy carbohydrates, which will undoubtedly and significantly raise your risk of insulin resistance. If you’re insulin/leptin resistant, diabetic, overweight, or have high blood pressure, heart disease, or cancer, I recommend restricting your sugar/fructose consumption to a maximum of 15 grams per day from all sources, until your insulin/leptin resistance has been resolved.
Previous Article by Dr Mercola

Global Coastal Event on May 28, 2015 Predicted In Mysterious Quatrain Of Nostradamus


Dutch Frank Hoogervorst is engaged in calculations of planetary positions and other (related) important dates.
He writes on his website DitrianumMediaCenter: In the first half of 2013, I have seen revelations which I as numerologist not have dreamed of. When I started 25 years ago with numerology, I calculated only names and birth dates of people, where I found some very specific patterns, even between people, what convinced me of the importance of number theory.
But apart of me still had doubts about the unconventional approach of adding up multiple digit numbers to a single digit number to find out the vibration. Could number vibrations really be of value in our daily lives? A few years later, after extending my research to the mathematical blueprint of our Solar System, all my doubts were gone with only one conclusion left: there must be a Force of Great Intelligence, some Cosmic Architect with the ability to create Solar Bodies, Milky Ways, planets, in fact everything that existed, exists or will exist, with a mathematical precision and timing we human beings cannot possibly comprehend.
Yet, we are inextricably bound up with this Force and made of the very same creative substance! We are Cosmic Intelligence, even though we may not realize this. And every time I found new evidence which added to this truth a greater part of me rejoiced, felt more humble and was filled with awe.
In its most recent newsletter Frank writes: The last two years I was inspired largely to do research seismic activity (earthquakes) in connection with critical planets. This study covers a period of 315 years. In addition to the number patterns planets also seem to play a big role, so much that it has become possible to select dates that qualify for major earthquakes with magnitude 8 and higher. The dates, I have mentioned Earth Key dates (Earth Key Dates).

All earthquakes in the world since 1998 with magnitude 8 or higher adhere to these number patterns I described extensively in the article “The Circle is Complete“.
By combining these Earth-Key dates with critical planets has become possible to specific dates to financial instruments that qualify for such a heavy earthquake. The next date is eligible is 28 May 2015.
The planetary positions on May 28, 2015 towards the end of the day UTC time, and continuing on May 29 are so critical that I decided to post a video on YouTube to make people aware of the possible consequences.
Ultimately I think the Pacific largely going to change that much of the American West Coast (California, Oregon and Canada) will sink into the sea and that Japan will disappear completely beneath the waves. I know this sounds extreme, but the pollution of man is just as extreme. It is possible that the West Coast will be hit on May 28, 2015, an earthquake with a magnitude between 9.0 and 9.8.
Editor’s Note: I highly recommend you really should read Frank’s articles or you will not be able to understand what he is discussing about. Contrary to what many people believe, the science of Numerology (and Astrology) cannot predict anything with absolute certainty, even Frank writes on his site that he cannot predict exactly when the next big hit will come, but the calculations and facts Frank reflects on his site are really staggering.
We continue with two videos:
From 1700 to 2011 there have been 10 major earthquakes with magnitudes ranging from 8.8 to 9.6.
5 of these earthquakes struck within a time period of 252 years, starting in 1700.
The other 5 struck within only 55 years, starting in 1960.
The first video presents an in-depth analysis of the critical planetary alignments which accompanied each of these earthquakes.
This will give you some insights so that near the end of the film you can see for yourself how critical the planetary alignments will be on 28 May 2015.
On May 28, 2015 towards the end of the day UTC time, and continuing on May 29, there will be a series of very critical planetary alignments whereby Venus and Mercury are really being charged up on the North-Amerca / Pacific side.
Coincidentally, a mysterious quatrain by Nostradamus precisely fits the planetary positions on that day:
Original French version:
Le tremblement si fort au mois de may,
Saturne, Caper, Jupiter, Mercure au boeuf:
Venus aussi, Cancer, Mars, en Nonnay,
Tombera gresle lors plus grosse qu’vn oeuf.
English translation:
The trembling so hard in the month of may,
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo,
Hail will fall larger than an egg.
With the very first three points of interest, Saturn, Capricorn and Jupiter, Nostradamus describes exactly the position of Earth during May 2015. Just watch the second video for an in-depth analysis.
Bottom Line: “It shows that all M8.0+ earthquakes since 2000 sequentially connect to all M8.8+ earthquakes since 1868. This is intelligent design of the highest order and it shows that Earth is running an Ascension program behind the scenes we cannot possibly comprehend.”

Planetary Alignment Predicting Huge 9.8 Quake For California 28th May? (Video)

A video posted on Youtube by user Ditrianum Media has warned there will be a series of planetary alignments on the on the 28th May 2015 which will see Venus and Mercury charged up on the North America Pacific side of the planet – he suggests that this will ultimately cause a massive earth quake in the California region.
It’s not just him that has predicted this though, Nostradamus predicted that the planetary positions on that day would also prove catastrophic.
The video demonstrates why the planetary alignments could result in a massive earth quake on the West Coast on the United States.
Here is the passage from Nostradamus:
The trembling so hard in the month of may,
Saturn, Capricorn, Jupiter, Mercury in Taurus:
Venus also, Cancer, Mars, in Virgo,
Hail will fall larger than an egg.

World Armies Preparing For Armageddon: Jade Helm CopyCat Drills Gone Global: China, Russia, Europe, Canada, Japan…It’s Not Begun It’s Here! (VIDEOS)

Sunday, May 17, 2015 21:51

World Armies Preparing For Armageddon: Jade Helm CopyCat Drills Gone Global: China, Russia, Europe, Canada, Japan…It’s Not Begun It’s Here! (VIDEOS)
The world’s armies are readying themselves for an epic Armageddon battle! From Canada’s Project Maple, to Americans Jade Helm, to Europe’s NATO drills, to Chinese and Russian naval war games. Countries are drilling and preparing their troops for battle, and these drills are among the LARGEST drills yet to be initiated! They are preparing for something MAJOR! 
America’s Jade Helm 15 drills are breaking records as forces deploy to occupy 10 different states across American. Preparations include practicing for gun confiscation, martial law preparation, war, and readiness for any type of crisis or cataclysmic scenario.
In Canada Project Maple is also breaking military records as it occupies different parts of the country practicing gun confiscation, martial law, war, and crisis/cataclysmic readiness.
In Europe, NATO is hosting the largest drills in history. Tens of thousands of troops are preparing for war. Germany, Switzerland, Norway, Scotland, Belgium, Poland, Netherlands, Finland, Lithuania, UK, Estonia, all involved.
In the Mediterranean Sea China and Russia Naval vessels are conducting their own live fire war games.
In Japan they are hosting navy drills.
“…And these are the beginnings of sorrows…” Mark 13:8
“…You shall hear or wars and rumors of wars…” Matthew 24:6
Here is the breaking report
Even more disturbing, check out this video by NextNewsNetwork….
For More Information See: 
Canada Drill:
US Drill: /r2/?url/span>
NATO Europe:
Chinese and Russia hosting drill in Mediterranean Sea:

Lisa Haven is an independent Christian news analysis and one of the top contributors She is also author of and runs her own youtube channel (Lisa Haven) with tens-of-thousands of views per day. Digging deep and finding truth is what she lives for. Her passion is to spread truth no matter where it lies. She covers everything from martial law, to FEMA camps, to end time bible prophecy, to government documents and much more! Before launching her journalism career, she wrote many bible studies and lead women ministries for a number of years. She will also complete her ministry degree at International School of Ministry this year.
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