Monday, June 22, 2015

DE30 - NIfty - Banknifty - Dow - S&P trader call at cmp live

De30 Sell @ cmp 11385 stop @ 11460 tgt 11200 - 11050 - 10800

NIfty Sell @ CMP 8357 Stop @ 8405 tgt 8200 - 8100 - 8050

Bank nifty  Sell @ CMP 18350 Stop @ 18500 tgt 18000 - 17750 - 17500

Dow Sell @ CMP  18070 Stop @ 18220 tgt 17700 - 17400 - 17100

S&P Sell @ CMP 2116 sto p@ 2150 tgt 2060 - 2010 - 1900

Hot Explosive Breaking News: It’s Contagion: Banks in the Bucket

Sunday, June 21, 2015 14:58
It’s Contagion: Banks in the Bucket
by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
UNITED States of America  -  It can now be reported that the Greek euro denominated debt has escalated to $360 billion.  This now represents as much as $25 TRILLION of worthless cross-collateralized derivatives, which are now outstanding with the Bank of England and the Bank of New York Mellon as counter parties.
They have joined Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citibank of New York, German Deutsche Bank, Societe Generale of France and Barclays Bank of England as catching full scale contagion disease.
Without a Greek deal all of these aforementioned banks collapse leading to capital controls and the possibility of worldwide bank runs.
At this hour it is all about the repo rate, the lack of liquidity in the system leading to a derivative debacle.
We can also divulge that the Greek government is enraged having learned that various financial ministers tied to European Union nations have created secret offshore tax havens in the Cayman Islands using the euro payments of the Greek People to establish these illegal offshore accounts.
Note:  IMF Managing Director Christine Lagarde has now opened up a massive investigation of this money laundry.
P.S.  With massive financial Armageddon imminent aka a massive worldwide crooked bank “BAIL-IN”, the NAZI Paperclip U.S. NSA continues to script racial incidents aka FBI Division 5 racial “psy ops” (using mind control scalar technology linked to U.S. cell phones) as test runs in advance of another 9/11 BLACK OP-style False Flag Psy Ops reference a bio-chemical attack on the American People to be blamed on the “crisis actors” British Petroleum and British Intelligence bought and paid for puppets, the British Blackwater trained ISIS group.
History lesson:  The first British bio-chemical attack on the American People took place at the end of the American Revolutionary War when British General Cornwallis infected thousands of black slaves with smallpox and tried to transport them into the American and French army lines that were within five miles of the British and German Hessian forces.
The bio-chemical attack failed and the British and German Hessian mercenaries were routed by Washington and Lafayette leading to British capitulation at Yorktown and the end of the American Revolutionary War and freedom and liberty from the tyrannical British monarchy.
In closing, beware of certain American politicians that voted for the Patriot Act and the Bush-British illegal war in Iraq that resulted in the murders and/or injury of millions of innocent Iraqi civilians based on false evidence reference NO weapons of mass destruction, who now want to use a scripted racial incident in the American south as a predicate to shred the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, the supreme law of our land.
Guess, folks, who the leader is of the chorus to disarm the American People:  her initials are HRC.
So, after more than 200 years of American history with the Second American Revolution due to commence immediately, identify the enemy, it is still the British Monarchy!!!
Remember that British piece of crap that used to be on CNN, Piers Morgan, who wanted to disarm the American People, shred the Constitution and half-hearted jokes in having the United States be returned to British monarchial rule.